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Significados de unusually alert em inglês
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Uso de unusually alert em inglês
They had rested poorly, but they felt unusuallyalert and strangely calm.
He seemed unusuallyalert, nose snuffling at everything, but he didn't show any signs of alarm.
His name was Pierce Bolan, and Fisher knew him to be not only absolutely trustworthy, but unusuallyalert.
Two youths, unusuallyalert in face and figure, were loading pack horses with heavy brown sacks filled to bursting.
His brain, indeed, seemed unusuallyalert, and he got up after a time and prowled about, pistol in hand.
Guards, who seemed unusuallyalert and well disciplined, walked the docks, the fences, and the jetties of the harbor.
And her mother, looking unusuallyalert and hectic, wore cream and brown also, made up in a more complicated manner.
Owing to an injection of morphia-a habit to which he had only lately taken-hefelt unusually fit, and his brain was unusuallyalert.
That capable executive officer had nothing more to say at present, for his quick mind was already devising methods for keeping the crew unusuallyalert.
Company G, in full dress, with brass scales on shoulders, look'd, perhaps, as well as any of the companies-themen had an unusuallyalert look.