He thus saved himself both the labour and the unwholesomeness of carpets.
The unwholesomeness of the place is further increased by the malodorous swamp surrounding it.
As for instance, sickness flows in channels of unwholesomeness, like water seeping through a marsh.
FROG.-Butdo you consider the unwholesomeness of the air and soil, the expenses of reparations and servants?
This introduces the question of unwholesomeness.
There is nothing about him which suggests unwholesomeness, and much that suggests sound strength and clean good sense.
I've no doubt he liked Ethel's unwholesomeness, just as he had liked the touch of morbidity in Lena.
Owing to the unwholesomeness of the climate of Fernando Po, Mrs. Burton was, of course, unable to accompany him.
If you didn't know the lore, you would liken the dark underside to unwholesomeness and the light underbelly to goodness.
In this time many of our men fell sick, through the unwholesomeness of the air, and our general among the rest.
Was it they that were to entice, into this fine promise of fine living, crookedness of thought, unwholesomeness of feeling-dishonorableyears?
Lawton took dangerous risks, increasing the unwholesomeness of their rapidly dwindling air supply by spraying out a thin diffusion of problematically poisonous acids.
It's very funny, and inlaid with a bittersweet dose of unwholesomeness, like sucking on a furry boiled sweet from too long under the sofa.
There was the large unwholesomeness of Madam Winklestein, all jewellery, smiles and coarse badinage, and near her, her perfumed husband, squinting and smirking abominably.
Such disorderly persons, however, seldom rear up numerous families, their children generally perishing from neglect, mismanagement, and the scantiness or unwholesomeness of their food.
I pray only that Caleb and Joel do not founder under the burden and that their health proves equal to the unwholesomeness of this place.