Glomerular filtration rate was measured as urinaryclearance of 125I-iothalamate.
No difference in urinaryclearance of the three enzymes was found between chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer.
Serum and urine lipase and its fractional urinaryclearance were compared with those of amylase and immunoreactive trypsin.
Measurements: GFR was measured by using urinaryclearance of iodine-125-iothalamate in the US studies and chromium-51-EDTA in the Paris study.
Setting & participants: 6 research studies and 4 clinical populations including 5,504 participants who had GFR measured using urinaryclearance of iothalamate.
Nonmyelosuppressive toxic effects included nausea and vomiting, transient elevations in liver function tests, alopecia, and increased urinaryclearances of iron and zinc.