He was plainly in a flutter; something had occurred to upset the usualsuavity of his manners.
Mrs. Rosebrook, followed by her husband, soon makes her appearance, saluting the stranger with her usualsuavity.
Gordon had resumed his usualsuavity.
He spoke with his usualsuavity, but there was a veiled menace in his voice which it was impossible to overlook.
And forthwith commenced a lively discussion of this ethnological thesis-solively that the Major became excited, and, quite contrary to his usualsuavity, said bluntly:
When Jim Brady had departed, never to return again, and the old man had recovered his usualsuavity of manner, he remarked to his son:
"Miss Burton says," announced the butler, his usualsuavity shaken beyond control, "that there is no answer to your note.