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Significados de various speeches em inglês
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Uso de various speeches em inglês
Quincy, in variousspeeches, urged upon Congress,-
But, despite variousspeeches and last week's meeting with the Croke Park implementation body, nobody seems to know what precisely is intended.
It will be the latest component of a larger economic platform Clinton has been discussing in variousspeeches and at campaign events.
There is practically no editing, and no attempt is made to explain when, or how, or why the variousspeeches were delivered.
During the recess variousspeeches were made in defence of the Ministerial policy, but the government failed to recover its once overwhelming popularity.
From variousspeeches in the Senate, and from statements in his memoirs, it was believed that he was strongly opposed to the annexation of Hawaii.
In variousspeeches on his way South, he had assured the Southern people that war was coming, and that it would be long and bloody.
We have made variousspeeches, and entered into several treaties, and these things are well known to our great Father; they are lodged with him.
Variousspeeches were made after this, on both sides, of which it is necessary for our purpose to record only one.