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Significados de very capacious em inglês
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Uso de very capacious em inglês
The chairs were of an antiquated fashion, and had verycapacious seats.
At this time (1866), the building, which was verycapacious, was not occupied.
The bedrooms, kitchens, refectory and outoffices are verycapacious, and, what is rather unusual in France, clean and comfortable.
Appropriately configure the seats, by using their fold-flat function, and total luggage capacity can swell to a verycapacious 1755-litres.
It is chiefly built of brick, and is verycapacious, more so than any other royal palace in the British empire.
The bowl is verycapacious, sufficiently so to admit of the complete immersion of a child of two or three months old.
The infantry barracks-Cuarteldel Infanteria-isalso a building of modern construction, dating from 1848; and, though of simple architecture, it is verycapacious.
It is verycapacious and well sheltered from the vendavals-whetherthe southeast, and southwest, the west, and west-southwest ,orthe north-northeastand north winds.
Jugglers used to exhibit in the concert-room, which was verycapacious, as it would hold at least 800 to 1000 persons.