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Significados de very circumscribed em inglês
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Uso de very circumscribed em inglês
And he could make it good only over a verycircumscribed area.
When high power is used attention is confined within verycircumscribed limits, but its action is exceedingly intense and absorbing.
They would have us therefore exchange our hopes for insight, and warn us that even this is verycircumscribed at best.
Boats are taken into the fishery through the outer line of stakes and then begins a regular whale hunt within a verycircumscribed area.
The rhinoceros' eyesight is very short, or verycircumscribed, or both; and only objects in motion and comparatively close enter its range of vision.
We report here the results obtained with a 12-year-old boy (FX) who suffered a verycircumscribed lesion of the right IC without additional neurological damage.
"But I fancy it must be a verycircumscribed mind that can find room for no other."