Ainda não temos significados para "very estimable".
1These, as the Baron assured his young friend, were very estimable persons.
2They were all very estimable men, and Mr. Rochfort was positively handsome.
3He is a very estimable and modest young man, I believe?
4M. de Montespan was not a very estimable person; he did nothing but play.
5Amongst the leading or upper classes of society, there are many very estimable persons.
6The Electress Sophia was not perhaps a very estimable, though a very intelligent princess.
7Beside this very estimable quality, they are also insuperably lazy.
8But then he was not a very estimable man nor in any respect her equal.
9There are very estimable folks even among the Christians.
10She was a very estimable person, but it is all gossip; to the fire with it!
11He is a man very estimable,-ofestimable qualities.
12It is all very estimable, no doubt.
13Mr. Muggins, Y. M. C. A. secretary, a very estimable and highly respected man, shook his head.
14While really very estimable, Mr. Van Weyden is sometimes-howshall I say?-er-quarrelsome, and harsh measures are necessary.
15Beauty is of itself very estimable.
16He was a very estimable man, and he performed his duties so far as I know quite satisfactorily.
Esta colocação é formada por:
Very estimable ao longo do tempo
Very estimable nas variantes da língua