Ainda não temos significados para "very pompous".
1Lord Maltenby was very pompous, very stiff, and yet apologetic.
2He always greeted their mother in a very pompous fashion.
3There is the German monumental style, which consists in erecting very pompous statues, badly done.
4The recruiting officer, a dapper little fellow, very pompous and important, turned him down mercilessly.
5Mr. Bardolph I saw in person, a very pompous gentleman with manners the reverse of polite.
6There is the French monumental style, which consists in erecting very pompous statues, very well done.
7We are told, in a very pompous tone.
8He used to insert very pompous and magniloquent sentences in his themes, much to Channing's disgust.
9Meanwhile he composed the requete in my name, which was very pompous, very tedious, and very abject.
10She continued incessantly talking Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, in very pompous tones and with most distinct enunciation.
11He was a very pompous looking man of middle age, with reddish mustache, and long side whiskers.
12In the Kildare Street Club one day he saw a very pompous individual, and asked who he was.
13He puffed himself up in that way that was universal among the very pompous and very rich in every culture.
14From his hiding-place under the bed he saw the door open wide and a very pompous-appearing matron enter the room.
15In general, people seem to like the measure, except the Speaker, who is very pompous about it, and speaks constitutional paragraphs.
16It justly ridiculed a certain Gujerati newspaper, which had just described in very pompous expressions a recent wedding ceremony in Poona.
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Very pompous ao longo do tempo
Very pompous nas variantes da língua