Ainda não temos significados para "victimize by".
1No state tracks how many people were victimized by a judge's misconduct.
2Many became victimized by private and public security forces-sufferingtorture and rape.
3Kid Wolf was not to be victimized by such a threadbare ruse.
4There were other big names said to have been victimized by the scheme.
5The wails of those who were victimized by Muslim monsters haunted my soul.
6Are we just ants being victimized by cruel children with a magnifying glass?
7These days, the innocent are routinely victimized by the rapacious.'
8She knew how vicious he could be because she'd already been victimized by him.
9And kids are not the only ones victimized by bullies.
10Some of Facebook's employees feel victimized by the criticism.
11Spokesmen and penmen of the two contentious factions are victimized by their own perfervid imaginations.
12There is hardly one among them who might not be victimized by a similar attack.
13I'm just as victimized by it as you are.
14He is victimized by first impressions, from which he can only escape with great difficulty.
15Consumers can do several things to protect themselves from being victimized by similar scams, Sullivan said.
16There's plenty of data to prove arbitration does not compensate consumers victimized by systemic corporate misconduct.