Indonesian fourth administrative division, part of kecamatan, with a limited level of government administration.
Examples for "nagari"
Examples for "nagari"
1IN the old days there lived two lizards, Webubu and Nagari.
2This pleased Nagari, and he continued to sound his long note.
3Nagari was much troubled at this saying, and marveled greatly.
4Nagari longed for companions, so he stretched his neck and cried "U-u- u-u-u."
5Then many women, hearing the sweet sound, flocked to where Nagari sat, and listened to his music.
1Why you come desa countra?
2Desa let his parents' house to seasonal laborers working on the dam.
3The door opened wide for a moment desas suspicious and armed servant invited him.
4Teta Desa naked, without the men from the dam.
5Looking through the window when Zoran's Aunt Desa visited the tired laborers working on the dam.
1Styled like a rustic kampung (village) house, the chefs here prepare a feast of Malaysian and Indian dishes.
2Queen's Baton Relay presenter Mark Beaumont visits the community to join in celebrations at a Kampung Baru wedding.
3Excavators were clearing out piles of black dirt from a main road in Kampung Melayu in East Jakarta, a badly affected area.
4But that is little consolation for the villagers of Kampung, who will have to pray under a flimsy tent next time it rains.
1We visit a little Indonesian village that rarely receives visitors.
2In a tiny Indonesian village called Bangun, a photographer has made a worrying discovery among the grim mountains of rubbish that pile up there.
1Widodo says village in Indonesia.
2More than 30 bodies have been found in a remote village in Indonesia's Aceh province where rebels have been fighting for independence.
3An area damaged by tin mining is seen at Sungailiat village in Indonesia's Bangka-Belitung province October 7, 2008.
Translations for village in indonesia