Provider of management services and a reseller of network services from other telecommunications suppliers that does not own the telecommunication infrastructure.
Five companies had bid for the Saudi mobile virtualnetworkoperator (MVNO) licenses.
This follows a decision by parent company Dixons Carphone to close the mobile virtualnetworkoperator.
Megacable said it would look into the mobile virtualnetworkoperator model to offer wireless services in the country.
The company is in talks with 3 Ireland about becoming a so-called mobile virtualnetworkoperator (MVNO).
Both cable companies already have network-resale or mobile virtualnetworkoperator (MVNO) agreements with Verizon Communications Inc VZ.N.
The objective is to help Medialaan become a full fledged mobile virtualnetworkoperator (MVNO) operating on Base's network.
Sigma Group managing director Mr Tony Boyle also confirmed the firm wanted to enter the telecoms market as a mobile virtualnetworkoperator.
Virgin Media pioneered the mobile virtualnetworkoperator (MVNO) model, whereby a company offers own-branded mobile on an established partner's network.
The network, which is a mobile virtualnetworkoperator owned by Carphone Warehouse, is also beginning to offer flexible mobile broadband plans to customers.
Mr Dunn also indicated that any launch would be as a mobile virtualnetworkoperator and not through the acquisition of an existing network.
The mobile virtualnetworkoperator increased its number of customers by 89,000, to 268,000 pay-as- you-go customers and 33,000 bill-pay customers.
Other players are mobile virtualnetworkoperators which piggy-back off of other networks.
The Commission said mobile virtualnetworkoperators (MVNOs) would have less choice of networks and therefore weaker negotiating power.
Reuters previously reported that the U.S. Department of Justice was soliciting opinions of the deal from so-called mobile virtualnetworkoperators.
Analysts said Telenor and TeliaSonera may ease regulatory worries by facilitating the entry of mobile virtualnetworkoperators into the Danish market.
A reform to Mexico's phone and television businesses paved the way for mobile virtualnetworkoperators (MVNOs) in the country.