In recent years he has become a vocalproponent for pushing indie film into the digital age.
The UK has long been a vocalproponent of restricting unfair subsidies to ensure competitive markets, he said.
She also happens to be related to Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, a vocalproponent of gun control.
She is a vocalproponent of Holder's policies on lowering incarceration rates by cutting jail time for low-level drug offenders.
Since his election, he has been a vocalproponent of gun rights, a position that plays well with his political base.
Diller has been a vocalproponent of Aereo, taking on its opponents publicly, whether they are broadcasters or the National Football League.
The bill's most vocalproponent from industry has been the nation's largest cigarette maker, Philip Morris, a unit of Altria Group Inc.
Like father, like son: Hildebrand owns a chemical manufacturing company, and he's the Reich's most vocalproponent of chemical and germ warfare.
The bill's most vocalproponent from industry has been the nation's largest cigarette maker, Philip Morris, a unit of Altria Group Inc MO.N.
Jaya Bachchan, an MP and former Bollywood actor who has been a vocalproponent of women's rights, was among those who spoke out.
Until now Sweden, under a center-right government, has been close to Washington, active in Western military operations, and a vocalproponent of EU market reform.
Until now Sweden, under a centre-right government, has been close to Washington, active in Western military operations, and a vocalproponent of EU market reform.
Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, a vocalproponent of currency legislation, said Obama's "disappointing" Asia summits underscored the need to fight against currency manipulation.
Before being elected to Congress, Warren was a vocalproponent of such an agency being created as part of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law.
But Bart Chilton, the CFTC's most vocalproponent for limits, quoted 10 studies by economists and academics that he said showed speculators do affect markets.
Wal-Mart tied up with Bharti in 2007 and had been the most vocalproponent of prying open India's restrictive retail market to foreign supermarket operators.