Ainda não temos significados para "walked freely".
1He threw his head up and walked freely, with open shoulders.
2Beings and Forces still walked freely, and a new legend was born every minute.
3On that day, therefore, he walked freely along the cliffs, and was admitted to the dwelling.
4Here the students walked freely and wore clean white shirts with plaid skirts and scarves to match.
5He walked freely toward his friend, appreciating that only another Norsemen could have moved so quietly through the undergrowth.
6Until this moment, she had never considered the fact that Dante had walked freely about the house during the day.
7Now Jeremias walked freely in the midst of the people: for they had not as yet cast him into prison.
8Death-fey walked freely in any house, separate from the squabbles and follies of the courts, seeming to laugh at all of them.
9As if he too were relieved at having found a way to stop skulking, Jim walked freely and naturally to the front of the house.
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