A protocol suite allowing the interoperability of mobile equipments and software with many different network technologies.
1There wap no dispute as to the fact that the younger petitioner, W.H.
2Sir, he said, I saw nothing but the waters wap and waves wan.
3Me-li-na-key oe noo-ki cos-si-kie ta-wa-it-ihin oe yea-wap-a-ki tuck-whan-a; puck-i-tum-I-wa-loo kne-won-ot-i-they-way.
4We purchased Some green fish, & wap pa to for which we gave Imoderate pricie's.
5Firm up the eggs, and then lay out the sausage really thinly and wap it nice and tightly.
6The website is shortlisted for best overall journalism service and for best use of mobile connectivity for its wap and sms breaking news services.
7Bobby maintained that if he read law at all, it was at night, for he wap too busy with other occupations during the day.
8Shapiro is far from the only conservative clutching his pearls over WAP.
9Colour coding and pictures may enhance the appeal and usability of WAPS.
10The dweam of wuv wapped wiffin the gweater dweam of everwasting west.
11Future research into WAPs needs to be both disease and context-specific.
12It will also be made available through Ireland.com's WAP service for mobile devices.
13Even better, it was completely unprotected, without even the standard WAP's 64-hexadecimal key.
14But unlike other phone browsers, it's not a simple WAP client.
15WAP is the way most people currently access the internet on their mobile phone.
16However, the WAP rapper's profile did come with certain caveats.