This nation Call themselves Cho-shop-ne the Chief is name Too-et-te-con'l Black Gun is his warname Ka-me-ah-wah-orCome & Smoke.
It is no small honor when any man tells you his secret warname -but a stranger, and a prisoner!
Whether he retains his warname or reverts to being Pushpa Kamal Dahal, the new prime minister has a massive task ahead of him.
"We must think of a name, a nice, appropriate warname."
"A warname, I suppose," said the old man.
Of all the plants to which men cling for survival, the only one to have a warnamed after it is the potato.
Among the Creeks, "old woman" is the greatest term of reproach which can be used to those not distinguished by warnames.
For a considerable time in the United States Marshal's office in San Francisco, a Confederate flag waved from a miniature man-of- warnamed "Jeff Davis."