Activity of emptying of the urinary bladder.
1And the local drunks have a habit of weeing in the porch.
2WILL.I.AM - Cheeky sideways glance, like a little boy who's just been caught weeing into a wardrobe.
3If he's not weeing in planes, he's boasting about youthful indiscretions or saying rude things about Juliette Binoche.
4It's absolutely weeing down.'
5THROUGHOUT this passably diverting drama, I constantly found myself glancing over my shoulder to check if the cat was weeing in the aspidistra.
6Footage has shown a customer in a Queensland supermarket dropping her pants and weeing all over the floor in the middle of the shop.
7I've received one compliment from a seedy gym stranger on my "form", and countless befuddled looks while I imitated weeing on inanimate objects.
8Weeing in a bathroom should be one of life's safe pleasures!
9"If you ask me, you can get the same effect by grilling half a pound of liver, then weeing all over it."
10"I have my community liaisons who bend my ear about kids nicking stuff and people weeing in the lifts." He paused and narrowed his eyes.
11A wee bit more rest and you'll be as good as new.
12Brahms' famous Cradle Song has an instant effect on some wee ones.
13I take it he employs a wee bit more subtlety these days?'
14Much in the same way the Scotch laddie and wee lassie play-
15Hastening in the side door he glanced into the wee telephone closet.
16Then they tried to grip it; but the wee bannock tried dodging.