Ainda não temos significados para "welcome signs".
1So far in foreign policy, Trumpism has included welcome signs of realpolitik.
2In recent years there have been welcome signs that this is being recognised.
3There are welcome signs of improvement in this respect, however.
4The district is getting a new slogan and welcome signs.
5I looked at her anxiously, and discerned the welcome signs of recovery, clearly revealed.
6I welcome signs of opening of Irish authorities to apply the measure to other banks.
7Gather the welcome signs, (as children with pebbles or stringing shells,)
8There were no markings, no guards, no welcome signs.
9Two guys in suits stood guard at the front entrance, and they weren't holding welcome signs.
10Now there are welcome signs that Joe Hart's awkward autumn may give way to a winter of content.
11I saw no signs, no windows, and definitely no smiling people standing by the stoop waving welcome signs.
12There are welcome signs from my colleagues in government of a willingness to work constructively with us and others.
13These welcome signs of maturity are lost in the clamour around the squabbling Ambani siblings and other corporate succession battles.
14There are welcome signs that the political convulsions in Indonesia have begun to produce real movement on the future of East Timor.
15Analysts welcomed signs that the company could be resolving its past accounting problems.
16Shares rose as the market welcomed signs that the company was tackling its problems.
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