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Significados de western prefecture em inglês
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Uso de western prefecture em inglês
Two other outbreaks have since hit Miyazaki and another occurred in the westernprefecture of Okayama.
On Monday, Japan confirmed its third outbreak of bird flu at a farm in the westernprefecture of Okayama.
In Guinea, whose capital Conakry remains the worst-affected district, the westernprefecture of Fria reported its first Ebola cases.
The company, based in the westernprefecture of Shiga, receives about 100 orders every year from entertainment, automobile, technology and security companies, mainly in Japan.
The H5N1 bird flu has already been confirmed at two other farms in Miyazaki prefecture, and one farm in the westernprefecture of Okayama.
JAPAN - 207 confirmed cases in the westernprefectures of Hyogo and Osaka.
About 4,500 schools closed last week as the virus spread, mostly among teenagers in the westernprefectures of Osaka and Hyogo.
In addition to the 13 dead in Japan, 15 residents were reported missing in the westernprefectures of Hyogo and Okayama.
About 4,500 schools, mostly in the westernprefectures of Osaka and Hyogo, have closed their doors until the end of the week.