The act of hitting vigorously.
Examples for "knock"
Examples for "knock"
1Its Stafford government loans, for example, knock points off the interest rate.
2One positive result is likely to have a very positive knock-on effect!
3The knock-on effects are seen in children's education, unemployment and financial losses.
4The major knock-on effect has been that social media is more available.
5The insistence that had been in the knock spoke in the voice.
1However, she thought of Joeyn every time she went to the belt.
2Others believe that a belt of open water remained around Earth's equator.
3No-cha was in the garden, occupied in weaving the belt of dragon-sinew.
4Even now, with four weeks' work under her belt Fiona was nervous.
5Of course this belt requires energy - the battery doesn't last forever.
1Sports metaphors are often used in rap music; basketball ones in particular.
2He saw a challenge in the all-female rap crews' path to success.
3Similar thoughts power Text Me's beautiful blend of rap and blue-eyed soul.
4That's a rap: is hip-hop entering a new golden age of cinema?
5And that's the most important thing here: Wayne can no longer rap.
1Well, there's a good chance they'll just take another whack at it.
2He heard the whack of the bullet in flesh and fired again.
3And it's an innovation that probably cost the station a fair whack.
4Iss called 'sex reassignment surgery,' and they don't just whack everything off.
5I'm not sure, but I still whack it on full of hope.
1Bang, whang, go the wrestlers below, with loud shouts and laughter.
2In about three minutes whang went Holden's gun; I ran with all my might.
3A tinkle of glassware, snort of trombones, whang of banjos.
4And as to being the other kind-well ,youhave just seen him whang past!
5Maybe I wouldn't whang your head off for the fright that you've given me!
6Many of the nobility purchased their porcelain and tobacco of Tching-whang, and recognized him immediately.
7A bullet sang through the doorway, flattening itself with a whang on the iron wall.
8He unbuttons his fly and hauls out his whang.
9Only question is how much slower the rattler's whang strap'll shorten up than your lines.
10McCall has the right and true Rockefeller whang.
11Go swiftly and bring back every true lad that can whang bow, or gar sword-iron whistle.
12I do dearly wish for my life you was Mr. (whang) Zephaniah (whang) Job (whang).
13This Tching-whang was a fine old fellow.
14I am lying on my back, the twilight does mistily bluish miracles through the slit over the whang-klang.
15Turning neither to the right nor to the left, he made his way to the residence of Tching-whang.
16And the ex-censor of the highest board gravely and gracefully bowed the family of Tching-whang out of the premises.