Ainda não temos significados para "whirl snow".
1Of a sudden the clouds broke into a deluge of whirling snow.
2Then again had come the silence, and the cool, soft, whirling snow.
3Henry sat in silence for some time watching the whirling snow.
4The policeman shook his head and pointed to the whirling snow.
5Another shot and it turned over tearing at the whirling snow.
6He goes to the window and looks out at the wildly whirling snow.
7Nothing else remained to say, and the visitor disappeared silently in the whirling snow.
8On and on went Uncle Toby, through the whirling snow.
9At first he could see only the whirling snow, which seemed to be everywhere.
10For ever close upon his heels came following forms and voices with the whirling snow-dust.
11The storm was over, but wind-driven whirling snow-devils wailed across the steppes like ghostly apparitions.
12Wind buffeted her hair and whirled snow around her.
13Nothing to be seen but the whirling snow-flakes.
14The defences were wreathed in whirling snow.
15It was a day in early November-bleak ,bitter ,andgusty, with whirling snow; most persons were indoors.
16To her left a spindly tree was just visible through whirling snow, maybe a hundred paces away.