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Significados de white peacock em inglês
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Uso de white peacock em inglês
As directed, I descended and stood spread out like a whitepeacock on the back porch.
Now droops the milk- whitepeacock like a ghost.
His next purchase was a whitepeacock, which, very soon after its arrival, disappeared under the sofa.
A whitepeacock asleep on a window-sill startled Mike, and he thought of the ghost of his dead mistress.
Here and there a whitepeacock would be snared, or a boar whose tusks promised a battle royal with some leopard or tiger.
Learn, my two dear friends, that the sacred whitepeacock brought to these misty shores for my undying glory, has been lost to me!
A whitepeacock, screaming in the garden under Stephen's balcony, waked him early, and dreamily his thoughts strayed towards the events planned for the day.
There are iridescent blue dragonflies and whitepeacocks and so many intricately brocade gowns.
And there dwell in this comely garden whitepeacocks and peacocks that have blue breasts.
Those ferryboats, by the way, are extremely graceful; they look like whitepeacocks dragging enormous white-feather tails.
"Or, perhaps, Miss Marley's a freak like the whitepeacock at the gardens?"
"Ah, the lad dirtied those nice whitepeacock feathers," Myrrima whined in mock sympathy.
He promises her all his finest jewels, his whitepeacocks, and even half his kingdom, but she nevertheless still refuses to dance for him.
I even knew the name of one, a certain mandarin, and member of the Sublime Order of the WhitePeacock, who was his immediate superior.
Some whitepeacocks were basking on the southern wall, and one of them, as their visitors entered, moved and displayed its plumage with scornful pride.