Ainda não temos significados para "whole intellect".
1The whole intellect of the age was devoted to theological inquiries.
2But what is the use in my pouring out my whole intellect on this subject?
3Accordingly, the progress of the classical states gradually awakened the whole intellect; that of Judaea was partial and improved religion only.
4He could not take his gaze off from the spectre; but lay staring at him with his whole intellect absorbed in the contemplation.
5There did the overthrow of all his hopes from the Goths expand rapidly into the overthrow of the whole intellect that had created his aspirations.
6It has enabled him to devote his whole intellect to physical science, till he has set his art on a sound and truly scientific foundation.
7"I don't really get the whole intellect-through-isolation thing," I said.
8"Don't you think that it is better to believe a little with the whole intellect than a great deal apart from it?"
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