Unfortunately, in the great majority of cases, this touchstone for species is whollyinapplicable.
That decision, the Obama administration claimed, is " whollyinapplicable" when it comes to cell-site data.
Such a mode of thought is whollyinapplicable to minds which are not in space at all.
A direction upon one of the two remaining will be less advantageous; while the third direction will be whollyinapplicable.
A phrase, whollyinapplicable in its first sense, came irresistibly to the younger priest's mind as he waited on him.
But she is, and has ever been, so anomalous, that ordinary moral reasoning from history is whollyinapplicable to her.
And first, it is evident that the title "Dark Ages," given to the mediæval centuries, is, respecting art, whollyinapplicable.
Even so, the Obama administration claimed that the high court's GPS decision was " whollyinapplicable" when it comes to cell-site data.
The idea that early kingdoms are despotisms in which the people exist only for the sovereign, is whollyinapplicable to the monarchies we are considering.