We view this as a whollyunwarranted, blatant attack on press freedom.
For the record, we believe such a drastic move is whollyunwarranted at this time.
All speculation is premature and whollyunwarranted, Singletary said in a statement to local news media last week.
Pausing upon the brink of the ledge I upbraided myself for what now seemed to me whollyunwarranted apprehension.
Convention at Cleveland, November 5, 1894, a studied, unjust and whollyunwarranted attack upon our work.
But to infer from this any natural incompatibility for friendships between women is to draw a monstrous inference, whollyunwarranted by the premises.
He saw for the first time that he had been whollyunwarranted in taking the defence of the Baron's interests into his own hands.
Nevertheless Professor Lethaby bows the knee to current tradition when he makes the whollyunwarranted assumption that Egypt probably learnt its art from Babylonia.
In a statement issued by London law firm Schillings, Adelson said: The Daily Mail's article was a whollyunwarranted attack on me and our business.
"Is it true you have a chair at the Council of Genres?" asked Thursday5 with a sense of whollyunwarranted awe in her voice.