Ecological or environmental area inhabited by a particular species; natural environment in which an organism lives, or the physical environment that surrounds a species population.
They can't see threats to protected structures or wildlifehabitats.
They represent our (Europe's) most natural and ancient wildlifehabitats.
It enables schoolchildren explore themes such as plants and vegetation; water and aquatic life and wildlifehabitats.
FOREST and gorse fires raged rough parts of Mayo and Donegal yesterday, destroying trees and wildlifehabitats.
The conservation charity said intervention is needed to prompt the Government to protect wildlifehabitats from the fires.
The common agricultural policy is a €55bn incentive to destroy wildlifehabitats and cause floods downstream.
We need to see the planning system being used to avoid insensitive development and restore and create new wildlifehabitats.'
Fracking has the potential to devastate wildlifehabitats across the UK, says research commissioned by leading wildlife and countryside groups.
During his tenure, he coordinated programs to protect endangered species, conserve wildlifehabitats and develop the national marine sanctuary system.
Hedges do thicken up when they are trimmed properly and in turn this will encourage better wildlifehabitats and shelter.
As humans increasingly encroach on wildlifehabitats, they are coming into more frequent contact with bats and other zoonotic disease vectors.
This is the principle that established wildlifehabitats destroyed by a project should be replaced by a greater area of new habitat.
Hoping to calm rising passions, BP said it would donate revenues from the oil it is recovering to restore Gulf wildlifehabitats.
Flames raging on steep hillsides south-east of the island's dormant San Antonio volcano have engulfed several houses and could damage wildlifehabitats.
As people venture out this spring, they may see … a few old friends missing or lying down, providing interesting wildlifehabitats.
Work to prevent further coastal erosion and protect wildlifehabitats in Dungarvan should get under way this year, Waterford County Council said yesterday.