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Meanings of win independence in inglês
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Usage of win independence in inglês
To winindependence we need prose to inform, but also poetry to inspire.
British colonies In 1957 Ghana became the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to winindependence.
He said there had been a 40-year political struggle to winindependence, with the vote now only months away.
Now it will be very difficult for them to winindependence through legal, constitutional means, Ivanov said in a statement.
France helped winindependence and loaned us money and sent us troops and ships; Great Britain attempted to enslave us.
Russia fought two wars from 1994 to put down Chechen efforts to winindependence and the Muslim region was reduced to ruins.
Thousands of Ghanaians celebrated until early this morning to mark the 50th birthday of the first nation in sub-Saharan Africa to winindependence.
Venezuela has celebrated the life of an Irishman who fought alongside South American independence hero Simon Bolivar and helped Venezuela winindependence from Spain.
New Caledonia, which has been French since 1853, could be the first French colony to winindependence since Vanuatu did in 1980.
Asia's youngest nation has been unable to achieve stability since hard- wonindependence.
Following the Carnation Revolution in Portugal in 1974, Guinea-Bissau finally wonindependence.
Bangladesh, formerly East Pakistan, wonindependence in December 1971 following a nine-month war.
Mugabe had ruled Zimbabwe almost unopposed since the country wonindependence from Britain.
The country has been unable to achieve stability since hard- wonindependence in 2002.
Jakarta's burgeoning population has overwhelmed city planners since Indonesia wonindependence in 1945.
Haiti wonindependence from France in 1804 after a slave revolt.