Astronomical phenomenon that occurs in December in Northern Hemisphere and in June in Southern Hemisphere.
Examples for "midwinter "
Examples for "midwinter "
1 JULY.-Coldestmonth in the year; midwinter in the colonies; average temperature, 53.
2 In the southern part, midsummer is in January and midwinter in July.
3 The journey was made in midwinter and was full of frightful hardships.
4 He told them that he had once crossed the Sierras in midwinter .
5 Many Italians are vacationing this week as schools have a midwinter break.
1 The winter solstice is, of course, the shortest day of the year.
2 Here are five things you didn't know about the winter solstice : 1.
3 Yesterday, December 21st, you may have thought to be the winter solstice .
4 Committed pagans celebrate the winter solstice on December 21, rather than Christmas.
5 The Mayan long count calendar ends in 2012, at the winter solstice .
6 All the attention tends to be on Newgrange for the winter solstice .
7 THE winter solstice had come again and the whole world was celebrating.
8 Today is the winter solstice , the shortest day of the year.
9 Did people in northern Europe make sacrifices at the winter solstice ?
10 In ancient times the winter solstice was of very great significance.
11 And the shortest day -the winter solstice -is today.
12 Last Friday saw the winter solstice , the darkest day of 2018.
13 The year itself took its departure from the date of the winter solstice . 13
14 On the night of the winter solstice Lhel brought Arkoniel into her hut.
15 These points are astronomically distinguished as the summer and winter solstice .
16 I saw it next to his seat during the winter solstice council meeting.
Other examples for "winter solstice"
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Translations for winter solstice