Ainda não temos significados para "wistful mouth".
1You could see that she had gay eyes in a small oval face, and a child's wistful mouth.
2Perhaps it has not been mentioned that she had a fighting nose, short and straight, and a wistful mouth.
3She sat there, hands loosely clasped in her lap, looking at Katie with great solemn eyes, tired wistful mouth.
4Her countenance was gentle and adorable, with its soft grey eyes and light brown hair, and tender, wistful mouth.
5He looked into her face, moved by the girlishness and appeal about the red, wistful mouth and the dark, brimming eyes.
6Here, away from her professional perils, she was, it seemed, "a slim little girl with sad eyes and a wistful mouth."
7"Well, then, good-by." She held out her hand meaningly; a little fluttering one was placed in hers, and Ruth bent and kissed the wistful mouth.
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