Ainda não temos significados para "wriggled off".
1Fortunately the creature wriggled off more frightened at me than I was at it.
2Evi handed it over as Millie wriggled off her armchair and headed straight for the box.
3He wriggled off the chair and began pacing.
4He barely let me finish before he wriggled off me to pluck the handset from the floor.
5This time the game had wriggled off the hook via a couple of penalty appeals which went bad.
6She laughed, wriggled off him, and jumped out of bed, pulling the long, filmy gown over her head.
7As she stooped to kiss him, he wriggled off like a little eel, shouted "Tum on!"
8They were not the most comfortable cushion in the world and I wriggled off them and immediately sat on a corkscrew.
9Anastasius, perceiving that I paid but scant attention to his conversation, wriggled off his chair and stood before me with folded arms.
10Duncan's sneering face danced in and out of her head again, and she wriggled off Gareth's lap to the bench beside him.
11Without another word, she wriggled off his chest and turned away, reaching blindly for the blankets, which she pulled up around her slim shoulders.
12'What are you doing?' She finished her second glass of milk, wriggled off her chair, and came over to me.
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