Ainda não temos significados para "youh".
1You add insult to injury, suh, when you offeh me youh contemptible Yankee gold.
2Dis am de coach youh g'wine to ride in.
3Why, you young cub, where are youh mannehs, suh?
4Let me show yo' to youh seat, sah.
5Did youh think I done stole 'em, sah?
6Well, I'll show youh, youh oily, tallow-eatin' husky!
7Jest as soon as youh want it.
8I'll have youh shoes back d'rectly, sah.
9Can I do anything fo' youh, sah?
10Bless youh innocent soul-hea picchuh-painteh?
11So youh-all's de new la'rd, eh?
12You've had youh suspicions aroused.
15If you didn't faveh youh good fatheh in eve'y line and lineament of youh face, I should neveh have known you-you'vegrown so.
16President gwine to gib brekfus' an' dinnah an suppah to de likes ob you fo' de whole remaindah oh youh wuthless nat'ral life?