Ainda não temos significados para "young clerks".
1At the hotel table: it was the young clerks from the wine-houses.
2The compartment was full of young clerks smoking pipes and reading newspapers.
3Neat young clerks, suit case in hand, elbowed their way through the crowd.
4The place was full of young clerks at their midday meal.
5The old man's gratitude to the young clerks was simply unbounded.
6The judge and the two young clerks occupied it.
7Two young clerks were fetched up by the messenger.
8On either side of him rode two young clerks.
9What for the thousands of young clerks and operatives?
10This seemed easy work, and both of the young clerks said they understood what was wanted.
11Been worrying round after your young clerks?
12One of the young clerks from the office approached the table, a large cardboard sheet in her hand.
13Only a few young clerks remained.
14He was talking as if he was one of the partners, but it is a way young clerks have.
15He was sunning himself with certain young clerks and choristers of the marshal's privy chapel of the Holy Innocents.
16The two young clerks remained longer, to go over certain documents with their employer, and receive his final instructions.
Esta colocação é formada por:
Young clerks ao longo do tempo
Young clerks nas variantes da língua