Ainda não temos significados para "young deer".
1At this a panic seized them, and they ran like young deer.
2Hawthorns in bloom hid them; they were gone like young deer.
3Once-alone-hecaught a young deer in deep snow and killed it.
4Alert as a young deer, she turned and fled back up the lane.
5Rose was leaping from point to point like a young deer.
6Which Disney classic concerns the adventures of a young deer?
7La Zambinella gave a bound like a young deer, and darted into the salon.
8Her eyes were large, brown, and beautiful like the eyes of a young deer.
9The trunk was soft grey-brown like the hide of a young deer or rabbit.
10And she had tapped him on the arm and was off like a young deer.
11She was strong and active, like the young deer.
12We had many pets, including a young deer who was fairly idolized by the children.
13Before midnight she came back with a young deer.
14Then quiet again, though the gamins had startled and listened, like young deer, at the sound.
15Right across their pathway sped a young deer.
16Shadoath held on while the young wizardess tried to leap back and buck, like a young deer.
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