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1Hath it come to pass yt a fart shall fart itself?
2Whereat they alle did laffe, but not ye Lady Alice, yt olde foolish bitche.
3Not any meat did they eat untillyt was very late, and the night far spent.
4I sawe yt schippe bear out to sea-
5Ye company yt came up with mee were persons of greate quality, as knights and ladyes.
6It's said yt the examinations of Cadugans accounts is droped but it wants Confirmations here as yet.
7And swounded oft whiles yt she prayed
8This traval hath soe indisposed mee, yt I am resolved never to ride up againe in ye coatch.
9Brave Walworth, knight, lord-mayor, yt slew
10The thirde daye after, the Erle (Count) of Foiz sayd aloude, yt euery man might here hym:
11My Lady Hatton doth continue stiff against yt, and yesterday I wayted upon my wife to my Lady of Northumberland's.
12Nay, 'tis not I yt have broughte forth this rich o'ermastering fog, this fragrant gloom, so pray you seeke ye further.
13Black representation has become a wagon that yt industry folks can jump on and still manage to come out on top.
14Young though it was, the new plantation "prospereth better than that of Virginia, and giveth greater incouragement to prosecute yt."
15Naught doth so befit ye grete as grete performance; and haply shall ye finde yt 'tis not from mediocrity this miracle hath issued.
16I am just come upon That which you ought to knowe, concern'g the Matter of the Laste Extremitie and what to doe regard'g yt.