Spanish cycling team (1980–1993)
Examples for "zor"
Examples for "zor"
1Why, zor, I be gardener now, too: yaäs I be, to save the wages.
2He be a strange mahn, zor, and a dahmned close'n with his penny-pieces, Christian and all as he calls his-sen.
3There's Miss Juliott, zor, she's go-in' to get married, I suppose; and when she goes no one 'll dare spake to 'n.
4Heavy clashes raged in several provinces, including the north-eastern Deir al-Zor province.
5They, guarded by gendarmes, were sent marching through the desert to Deir-el-Zor.
1The new holding entity, BH Media Group, also includes the World-Herald papers.
2BH: I was 13 years old when I decided to do comedy.
3About BH Macro Ltd BH Macro Limited is a closed-ended investment company.
4The idea behind the BH-03 concept is to capture energy in two ways.
5However, in t-BH mitochondria the effect of ADP on ROS was relatively small.
Translations for zor-vereco