Ainda não temos significados para "zurvan".
1Zurvan then began the slow-paced approach to the calling for public confession.
2Charlie also felt sure that Zurvan would not have approved of him.
3Zurvan occupied a spot just vacated, and he mounted the box again.
4Zurvan paused, smiled, and looked around until the crowd's laughter had ceased.
5Zurvan had been in no shape to think of such details.
6After his sojourn to the bathroom, Zurvan ate a light breakfast.
7He would look much like Jeff Caird... Father Tom Zurvan... himself.
8Zurvan closed the door behind him and walked toward the elevator.
9Zurvan walked to the kitchen as if he were pushing through cotton candy.
10When he came out, he found Mudge standing in front of Zurvan's stoner.
11Today, Day-Six, Week-One of Sunday, Father Tom Zurvan had not appeared in Washington Square.
12At five, Zurvan went home, tired but exuberant and exultant.
13The original Caird, Tingle, Dunski, Repp, Ohm, Zurvan, and Isharashvili.
14You once were a street preacher-whenyou were the persona of Father Tom Zurvan.
15Charlie blessed him ironically, sure that Zurvan never left anything for others to clean up.
16Brightest of all, though, was that which shone from the center of Father Tom Zurvan.