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Использование термина óglaigh na héireann на английском
The following is the full text of the statement from the leadership of ÓglaighnahÉireann.
There is one ÓglaighnahÉireann in this country and that is the Irish Army .
He said that both Kelly and Mr Burns were associated with the dissident group, ÓglaighnahÉireann.
In August 1994, the leadership of ÓglaighnahÉireann announced a complete cessation of all military operations.
They believe the arrested men are linked to the dissident republican group that calls itself ÓglaighnahÉireann.
It comes as one of the dissident paramilitary groupings, ÓglaighnahÉireann, insisted its actions can achieve a united Ireland.
The Police Service of Northern Ireland warned at Easter that the terror threat from the New IRA, Continuity IRA and ÓglaighnahÉireann had intensified.
They are charged with membership of an illegal organisation styling itself the Irish Republican Army, otherwise ÓglaighnahÉireann, otherwise the IRA on July 7th.
They were also each charged with membership of an illegal organisation styling itself the Irish Republican Army, otherwise ÓglaighnahÉireann on March 6th, 2013.