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Pisum sativum I have also many times seen visited by Bombus.
You see, Mr. Bombus, I am pretty sure it is n't in the geography.
Betty said: My, Mr. Bombus, how warm you are!
Mr. Bombus considered a moment, And then asked, "Do you know where Now is?"
Apathus (= Psithyrus) lives in the nests of Bombus.
Netting was more effective at capturing known pollinators of alfalfa, especially those belonging to the Bombus and Apis genera.
With possibly one or two exceptions, the only species I have seen doing the puncturing is Bombus affinis, Cresson.
A 6am-10pm workday is typical for Bombus pascuorum, according to scientists from Queen Mary University of London.
Is it not probable that guest-flies were aboriginally gall-makers, and bear the same relation to them which Apathus probably does to Bombus?
Results: We report the high quality draft genome sequences of Bombus terrestris and Bombus impatiens, two ecologically dominant bumblebees and widely utilized study species.
What can be the meaning or use of the great diversity of the external generative organs in your cases, in Bombus, and the phytophagous coleoptera?
What an admirable illustration you give of the transference of characters acquired by one sex-namely ,thatof the male of Bombus possessing the pollen-collecting apparatus.
Conservationists are going to Sweden to collect up to 100 queens of the bombus subterraneus species.
Bombus impatiens bumblebees may look like automatons, but machine vision tracking those codes reveals that they're actually chock-full of personality.
"We are running a race," observed Mr. Bombus.
I think there were four species of wild bee at these early flowers, including the great bombus and the small prosopis with orange-yellow head.