I wonder why the Spanishdagger grows so thick on this hill, Enid?
The Spanishdagger plants at the gate pricked his calves painfully and he stumbled forward.
My boots, my sword, my cartridge-box and the Spanishdagger which is on my night-table!
Helena's sudden flight left Magdaléna staring through the dark at the Spanishdagger in her hand.
The second bullet, then, only shattered the white petals of a Spanishdagger flower suspended two feet above Rosita's head.
A Spanishdagger-plant, with its waxen blossoms in a creamy aggregation as large as a water-bucket, contributed floral beauty and variety.
The cactus and Spanishdagger, and the ever-present sage bush of the lower levels, had disappeared, crow's-foot and blue-joint grasses swung in the wind.
Think of Spanishdaggers, and let us part for a few short hours.
From behind a big soapweed- aplantsometimes called SpanishDagger- Igota view of the Dismal River, for several miles.
A low bluff rose on her left, and along its crest scattered Spanishdaggers were raggedly silhouetted against the sky.
They carved names and messages for those that were to come after, with flint knives, with swords and Spanishdaggers.
He stuttered, so rapidly did he try to speak: My boots, my saber-mycartridge box-and-theSpanishdagger, which is on my night table.
He took down one of the prohibited Spanishdaggers or knives which a traveller may, occasionally get hold of and smuggle out of the country.