He was fond of, and well qualified, to work out abstrusequestions in arithmetic.
People were discussing these abstrusequestions with the same enthusiasm as they discuss football today.
Is it to discuss abstrusequestions of political economy?
There was an utter absence of the abstrusequestions and complications which now beset the law.
He studied and worked out for himself very abstrusequestions, on which he formed his own opinions, usually with great sagacity.
Thus there remain no profound problems of state, no abstrusequestions as to authorities, no conflict as to what is the law.
In whatever meeting, scientific assembly or theological discussion He was found, He became the authority of explanation upon intricate and abstrusequestions presented.
For Abraham Lincoln dealt with abstrusequestions in language so limpid that many a farmer, dulled by toil, heard and understood and marvelled.
He seemed equally at home in the most abstrusequestions of theology and metaphysics, and in the more practical matters of mackerel-fishing, corn-growing, and cattle-raising.
His Provinciales (1656) rendered abstrusequestions of theology more or less intelligible, and invited the general public to pronounce an opinion on them.