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Meanings of accelerate the progression in английском
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Usage of accelerate the progression in английском
Background: Concussions may acceleratetheprogression to long-term mental health outcomes such as depression in athletes.
Alcoholism may acceleratetheprogression of CAG.
There are particular challenges when treating HIV-positive patients with decreased immune systems, which can also acceleratetheprogression of periodontal disease.
Environmental factors play an important role in the Alzheimer's disease (AD) development and stress may acceleratetheprogression of AD.
Liver biopsy also provides an important tool to detect concomitant liver disease that may acceleratetheprogression of steatohepatitis in these patients.
Thus, it appears that the occurrence of aneuploid clones may acceleratetheprogression of signet ring cell carcinomas from early to advanced stages.
Tuberculosis is the most common opportunistic infection in HIV-infected people living in developing countries and is believed to acceleratetheprogression of HIV disease.
GLUT1 deficiency in cardiomyocytes alters myocardial substrate utilization, but does not substantially exacerbate pressure-overload induced contractile dysfunction or acceleratetheprogression to heart failure.
Atherosclerotic risk factors are believed to acceleratetheprogression of atherosclerotic plaques and the control of these risk factors may retard their proliferation and progression.
These findings suggest that in older persons, aspirin may acceleratetheprogression of cancer and thus, suggest caution with its use in this age group.
This ultimately acceleratestheprogression of atherosclerosis and hinders atherosclerotic regression.
The mutational combinations may have a synergistic effect in acceleratingtheprogression to HCC.
The presence of HDV in the liver acceleratestheprogression of infection to fibrosis and to hepatic cancer.
Alcohol consumption is a major risk factor acceleratingtheprogression of liver disease in patients with chronic hepatitis virus infection.
Background: Chronic alcohol drinking acceleratestheprogression of liver disease in patients with hepatitis viral infection; however, the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood.