To lay a charge against; bring an accusation against.
To blame for, make a claim of wrongdoing against.
1 Islamic militants often accuse Western aid groups of covert religious missionary work.
2 Iranian officials often accuse the United States and Israel of supporting terrorists.
3 Many Kenyans accuse the government of doing too little to prevent violence.
4 Western nations accuse Russia of backing the revolt; Moscow denies direct involvement.
5 To accuse yourself is the natural thing; silence is the unnatural thing.
6 My question did not accuse anybody of being a whistleblower, Paul said.
7 His opponents accuse him of failing to tackle economic and security problems.
8 Democrats and teachers' organizations accuse her of seeking to dismantle public education.
9 Human rights groups also accuse the Thai military and police of atrocities.
10 Several senior officials accuse aid workers of being bribed by the LTTE.
11 They accuse each other of not doing enough to stop Taliban violence.
12 Lebanon's media and some political figures accuse refugees of harbouring Islamist militants.
13 Lebanon's media and some political figures accuse refugees of harboring Islamist militants.
14 They accuse each other of not doing enough to stop the violence.
15 An emotional Makaziwe responded to critics who accuse the family of exploitation.
16 Rossouw, 42, is among several residents who accuse the police of brutality.
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