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He acknowledged the structural alterations, of course-particularlyhis addition of several chapters emphasizing adaptational themes.
Autophosphorylation in signaling complexes was measured as a function of ligand occupancy and adaptational modification.
Increased adaptational modification decreased helical dynamics while preserving dynamics differences among functional regions and between companion helices.
By the same assay, receptors modulate kinase activity -100-foldas a function of receptor ligand occupancy and adaptational modification.
Brenner begins by acknowledging the role of adaptational biases in our misunderstanding of the meaning and significance of amplified DNA:
In addition, higher order interactions among dimers are necessary for the observed patterns of assistance in adaptational modification among different receptors.
Thus, the experimentally observed adaptational assistance can occur by docking of pentapeptide-bound, diffusionally restricted enzyme to methyl-accepting sites on neighboring receptors.
Such "heritage characters" could only be explained on the hypothesis that they had once had functional or adaptational meaning.
Each mutation arises for a perfectly good reason (usually chemical rather than adaptational in this case) at the gene level.
Yet, the enzymatic properties affected by incorporation into signaling complexes, by chemoreceptor ligand binding or by receptor adaptational modification are largely undefined.
Multiple adaptational mechanisms in different locations within the retina act in concert to accomplish this task, with lighting conditions dictating which mechanisms dominate.
To identify features important for functionally native receptor structure, we made Nanodiscs using natural and synthetic lipids, assaying extents and rates of adaptational modification.
We observed differences among functional regions, between companion helices in helical hairpins of the coiled coil and between receptor conformational states generated by adaptational modification.
I suspect that many puzzling features of human mentality would be better resolved if we conceptualized them as historical constraints derived from distant adaptational origins.
TPH2-deficient mice display alterations in anxiety-like behavior which is accompanied by adaptational changes of 5-HT(1A) receptors and its associated signaling pathway.
Adaptational mechanisms must balance the competing demands of adapting quickly, locally, and reliably, and this balance must be maintained as lighting conditions change.