Most patients with adultonset have an autoimmune-related myopathy with a progressive course.
Methods: 12 patients with adultonset focal segmental dystonia were videotaped in a standardised way.
Compared to its pediatric counterpart, adultonset RB poses unique challenges in diagnosis and treatment.
Brains from patients with juvenile onset are usually more atrophic than those with adultonset.
Kennedy disease is an adultonset neuromuscular disease characterized by slowly progressive proximal and bulbar muscle weakness.
HD has served as a model for many other adultonset genetic diseases in terms of carrier testing guidelines.
We report the case of a 21-year-old woman who developed severe adultonset ductopenia in association with Hodgkin's lymphoma.
We tested this hypothesis for single candidate loci and mutations in North European ataxia patients with juvenile and early adultonset.
Conclusions: Neurologists may have different ability to recognise adultonset focal dystonia, depending on their experience and on the type of dystonia.
Respiratory symptoms were grouped into three categories: asthma ( adultonset) and other wheezing syndromes; cough and phlegm production; and hay fever.
Patients with adultonset of symptoms are more prone to exhibit choreic movements whereas those with juvenile onset tend to develop parkinsonism or rigidity.
All patients had adultonset muscle weakness in the pelvic girdle, neck flexors, respiratory and trunk muscles, and the majority had prominent calf hypertrophy.
The adultonset form was characterized by slight to prominent limb-girdle myopathy with an age of onset between 20 and 50 years.
Mutations in the myocilin gene (MYOC) account for 10% of juvenile open-angle glaucoma cases and 3-4% of adultonset primary open-angle glaucoma cases.
The incidence of cases with adultonset was only 10.6%: 73.8% of adults diagnosed at age 21 had a developmental history of mental disorder.
A recent diagnosis of AdultOnset Still's Disease (AOSD) provides additional supporting evidence that the initial presentation was caused by MAS.