Cause bodily suffering to and make sick or indisposed.
Aromatic bulb used as seasoning.
Examples for "trouble "
Examples for "trouble "
1 This year the Party leadership went to great lengths to avoid trouble .
2 Millions have fled Middle Eastern trouble spots seeking sanctuary in Western Europe.
3 The trouble is that each situation is extremely complicated and very different.
4 A report last week by DataQuick Information Systems pointed to additional trouble .
5 Four police officers have been injured during trouble in Newry City today.
1 Indeed, the same choice may bring great happiness yet also great pain .
2 Spinal fractures, however, can lead to more problems than just chronic pain .
3 The questions about work, back satisfaction, and pain medication showed good agreement.
4 Patients reported improved future outlook despite continued concern about pain and chronicity.
5 Because, despite my best intention, the pain in my words rang clear.
1 In the US, water shortages afflict crop-growing areas and wildfires threaten cities.
2 These viruses are rarely lethal and often mildly afflict their natural hosts.
3 Then all the foremost heroes among the Parthas began to afflict Karna.
4 So we decided to afflict this star with one of those diseases.
5 The body they may afflict , but the mind is beyond their power.
1 This fate certainly befell Michael Winner long before he began to ail .
2 This question was the Alpha and Omega of ail that concerned him.
3 The wreckage was ail cleared away; the fire-brigade had hosed the square.
4 He bent above her, almost agonized that anything should ail his idol.
5 All that was necessary was to make something ail the horse.
6 This was most unhealthy for a growing child, and he began to ail .
7 It's a good medicine, too, for a lot of things that ail us.
8 Folks are hunting ail over for those old bills and coins.
9 What should ail me to harm this misbegotten and miserable babe?
10 Oh, now ail common things become uncommon and enchanted to me.
11 Why, what doth ail thee?-Thouwert able to come out without being seen?
12 Once again the incrusted paper leered at me in ail its horrible pink incrustiness.
13 In the afternoon they would gallop back again, nearly ail more or less tipsy.
14 So saying, he transfixed ail hearts with his glances and recited the following verses:
15 Beth pulled away with ail her might, and in silence.
16 After one hiccup, she'd lost her cake and tea ail over her father's lap.
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