Feelings of excessive pride.
Examples for "vanity "
Examples for "vanity "
1 She is all vanity : fancies herself beautiful; witty; in short, like you.
2 Even these four showers and double vanity , she said with great enthusiasm.
3 My professional vanity was intrigued; I thought I could save The Times.
4 Hugh was always beginning things he couldn't finish: law, the vanity , fatherhood.
5 The tears were in his eyes; his sensitive vanity was cruelly wounded.
1 This notion grew and crystallized; thus adding to his natural North-country conceit .
2 And in my conceit I deemed the Rembrandt to be absolutely safe.
3 It is self-love inflamed to the acute point; conceit , WITH A HAIR-TRIGGER.
4 For one, it is cursing and swearing; for another vanity and conceit .
5 You are not the first in whose conceit that heresy hath entered.
1 Switching up your physical appearance is another great way to practice self - love .
2 Young Paris: To impact people of color and inspire self-awareness and self - love .
3 Looking out for your health might just be an act of self - love .
4 The tone of the words showed the stab to feeling and self - love .
5 There is an element of self - love in the very extremest of love.
1 But impersonality has prevented the Far Oriental from having much amour propre .
2 Heller took Rushdie to task for what she called his magisterial amour propre .
3 Mr. Bing is to have appealed to the tenor's amour propre .
4 How difficult it is, you see, to rid one's self of amour propre !
5 When the amour propre is pleased, the tongue is freed.
6 Yes, no matter at what cost to your amour propre .
7 The acute reasoning of Lemercier humbled his amour propre .
8 He flushed with a sense of wounded amour propre .
9 Will the jealous amour propre of France permit the swords of Germany to remain sheathed?
10 There is a little amour propre in the assertion, but upon the whole it is true.
11 Lydia's ' amour propre ' was wounded in an incurable manner by that revelation of her own peculiarity.
12 And so he went back quite eased in his mind, but considerably bruised in his amour propre .
13 He had the power of observation habitual to persons whose sensitive amour propre has frequently been wounded.
14 For three-quarters of a century our ' amour propre ' was constantly kept raw by the most supercilious patronage.
15 Vanity is never foreign to these false ideas, which are always of a nature to flatter one's amour propre .
16 There was nothing in this speech to offend Malcolm's amour propre , nevertheless a dull flush mounted to his brow.
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