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Значения термина analytic techniques на английском
Значения для термина "analytic techniques" отсутствуют.
Использование термина analytic techniques на английском
Multiple contact dates cannot be used in standard statistical analytictechniques, however.
The duration of the recurrent episode was examined using survival analytictechniques.
He said the chief purpose of the Society is to improve analytictechniques.
Thus, bias analytictechniques are potential tools to control for any suspected biases.
ROS production rate, antioxidant capacity, oxidative damage and inflammation markers were assessed, adopting micro-invasive analytictechniques.
Different analytictechniques did not substantially influence performance.
Meta- analytictechniques (using DataSHIELD framework) will be used to combine aggregated data from these cohorts.
Survival analytictechniques were used to examine the probability of recurrence after recovery from the index episode.
He would send elliptical comments in response to detailed criticisms of his ' analytictechniques', such as they were.
Multi-institutional, quality-driven databases and analytictechniques offer a unique source from which the utility of OSD can be assessed.
Utilizing free-text analytictechniques on medical text can complement clinical-public health decision support by identifying cases and high risk factors.
Univariate analytictechniques were used to describe the demographic and clinical variables in the group that recovered and the group that did not.
Concentrations of biotin in CSF measured by using modern analytictechniques that are specific for biotin and biotin metabolites have not previously been reported.
This study utilized confirmatory factor analytictechniques to evaluate the proposed DSM-5 PTSD-6Y factor structure and criterion and convergent validity against competing models.