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Использование термина angular resolution на английском
High angularresolution diffusion images were obtained and analyzed using tract-based spatial statistics.
The new set-up is discussed in terms of angularresolution and dynamic range of scattered intensity.
I like saying here's my 18 millisecond motion to photon, here's my angularresolution that I'm improving.
Twenty-five participants with ASD and aged 25, intelligence quotient-matched controls completed a high angularresolution diffusion imaging scan.
FA values for the corpus callosum were calculated from high angularresolution diffusion tensor imaging (DTI).
The measurement uses charged particles to achieve a fine angularresolution and is corrected for acceptance and detector effects.
Planck's superior sensitivity, angularresolution and frequency range should open up some hazy areas in our understanding of the cosmos.
Using two- and three-fiber models we demonstrate in synthetic experiments that this approach significantly improves the angularresolution at crossings and branchings.
Behavioral and electrophysiological studies indicate that the images formed by these eyes have angularresolutions of about 2°.