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Значения термина anti-eu campaigner на английском
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Использование термина anti-eu campaigner на английском
Anti-EUcampaigners see Brussels as an over-powerful, meddling bureaucracy that threatens British sovereignty.
The defeat hands ammunition to anti-EUcampaigners who object to having decisions imposed by Brussels.
Anti-EUcampaigners see the bloc as an expensive, wasteful and over-powerful threat to British sovereignty.
Anti-EUcampaigners see the EU as a wasteful bureaucracy that imposes excessive regulation and threatens Britain's economy and sovereignty.
Anti-EUcampaigners are concerned that those calling for the closest possible ties will force a Brexit in name only.
Denmark has a long tradition of antagonism towards the EU and Eurosceptic politicians there have inspired similar anti-EUcampaigners elsewhere, including Ireland.
He has had multiple unminuted meetings with former Department for Exiting the EU (DExEU) minister and anti-EUcampaigner Steve Baker.
Sinn Féin and a variety of other anti-EUcampaigners have been proclaiming it since the very first referendum on membership in 1972.
The big winners were the newly founded Brexit Party led by the anti-EUcampaigner Nigel Farage and the strongly pro-European Liberal Democrats.
That outcome looks increasingly likely as polls point to a strong start for the unambiguously named Brexit Party of anti-EUcampaigner Nigel Farage.
Slideshow (2 images) The party, founded by anti-EUcampaigner Nigel Farage, won the most British seats in European elections this year.
The anti-abortion and anti-EUcampaigner, Mr Justin Barrett, has launched a strident attack on refugees, politicians, liberalism and the Belfast Agreement, writes Arthur Beesley.
Since such an arrangement would not be an improvement on the UK's current membership, most British anti-EUcampaigners have rejected it as a model.
Founded by UKIP donor Arron Banks, it was backed by leader Nigel Farage, who billed it as an "umbrella group" of anti-EUcampaigners.