The list here says... Tylenols, floss, condoms, antisepticcream, hemorrhoid cream-theusual.
Paracetamol, cotton buds, athlete's foot cream, tampons... where the hell was the antisepticcream?
Bring blister pads, plasters and antisepticcream.
Thomas didn't speak as she rubbed the antisepticcream into his skin, but she sensed he waited expectantly.
Fifteen minutes later I was in my apartment, dressed in my nightgown, dabbing antisepticcream on my skinned knees.
Most have handed out bandages, antisepticcream, water, food or cash to earthquake victims and several have intervened to save lives.
He found the antisepticcream and applied it sparingly to the affected area, following the instructions on the tube to the letter.
It was a dusty, battered tube of ordinary antisepticcream, such as Will could have bought in any pharmacy in his world.
My arms looked swollen and the thousands of fine lacerations from the sawgrass had been coated with some kind of clear antisepticcream.
There are only certain things that should come in squeezy tubes, and broadly speaking we can refer to these as toothpaste and antisepticcream.
Other essentials include bandages and dressings to cover wounds, iodine based antisepticcream, gloves, scissors, and tweezers to remove splinters, grass seeds or ticks.
After applying some more antisepticcream to my heel, I lie down, listening to the rhythmic clunk-tick of the clock and thinking about Jori.
They stank of infection and antisepticcream, and they were stained with dried blood and something else, a yellow crust that had to be pus.
'Let me see.' Gina's been applying antisepticcream and changing his bandages twice a day.
'I've got something for that,' she says and opens her satchel and produces a small tube of antisepticcream and a box of plasters.